Dear NIOA members and ERO staff,
Today marks the launch of the NIOA/FOP petition drive to bring bargaining rights back to our places of work. The need for representation in the workplace on the national stage is more critical than ever. Without Union rights, we can’t have representation for daily working conditions (schedules, OT, resources, etc.) and when addressing issues/disciplinary with management, OPR, and OIG. Additionally, we can’t have a voice with our elected leaders and ultimately with the American people. Often times, the Union is the only way we can shed light on issues that affect the safety of our families and the American public we serve.
I challenge you all today to take 30 minutes of your time in the next couple of days to get your fellow Enforcement and Removal Assistants and Deportation Officers to sign a petition. If each of us get five signatures, we will have more than enough petitions to go to the Federal Labor Relations Authority to hold an election for our Union.
The National ICE Officers Association understands that all of you have different thoughts and experiences with Unions. We can’t change what your experiences have been in the past, but we can commit to you that we will be a Union that only focuses on ICE ERO staff. We will only support policies and elected officials that take care of us and do what is right for the most important people we serve, the American public. NIOA will not be beholden to any party or any person, but rather support those who produce for our members and the American public.
Please join us in getting 30% of the ICE bargaining unit eligible workforce to sign petitions. It requires no membership or financial obligation. Simply have ICE bargaining unit eligible staff legibly write their names and sign the petitions with ink (required by the Federal Labor Relations Authority). Collect the petitions and scan/email them to If you all take up this simple challenge, you will be represented not only by the National ICE Officers Association, but also by the world’s oldest and best law enforcement organization, the Fraternal Order of Police.
National ICE Officers Association Executive Board.